The Brow Bundle includes a brow lamination, brow wax, and tint! Give your brows a total makeover without any microblading! Brow laminations will last 8-10 weeks! The brow tint should last around 4 weeks.

Brow Wax Services

  • Brow Shaping

    Brow shaping involves waxing and tweezing along your brow's natural lines to ensure a perfect contour.

  • Brow Tint

    A custom-mixed Belmacil tint is applied to your brows. The color will be absorbed into your brow hairs, giving a darker, more defined look. This appointment takes about 15 minutes and the results last about 5 weeks!

  • Brow Lamination

    During this service, a two-step lamination system will be applied to the brow hairs to realign the directional hair growth and overall shape of the brows! This treatment creates the look of added volume and fullness by combing the brow hairs upward.